Online Portal

With a customized online posting portal – think of it as an enhanced online ad book – recruiters have a go-to-place to submit any type of request for placements within your online media plan. Whether it’s access to packages, postings to niche sites, or anything in between, this is a centralized solution for decentralized organizations. In addition, our job posting distribution – we take your job and post it to all the places it needs to be – facilitates the process while giving your team time to get back to all the other things they have to handle.

Web Site/Microsite Analytics

K2 Communication has the tools that allow you to delve deeper into your site’s effectiveness. By helping you uncover where people went, how long they stayed, and what action they took, you’ll know what you’re doing right and what needs tweaking for optimum traffic. If metrics are your mantra, our analytics are for you.


Creating e-newsletters is simple. Creating really good ones is more of a challenge. K2 Communication will meet with you to determine or tweak content, discuss distribution frequency, and come up with designs that reinforce your recruitment brand. We’ll give recommendations on linking your e-newsletter to your career site, help you disseminate it to an even larger external audience, and offer list rentals that let you share your organization’s news with passive candidates.

Business And Social Networking

More than a passing trend, business and social networking take the communities created by the world wide web to an even more personalized and interactive level. More than just finding “friends,” business and social networking sites connect you with interwoven groups of individuals who may be exactly what you’re looking for. K2 Communication will educate you on and assist you with the best ways to utilize networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and MySpace to help your organization tap into markets you may be neglecting or undervaluing.

Customized Metrics Reports

K2 Communication’s customized metrics reports evaluate your package’s performance on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis to measure your media plan’s results. Whether you need to monitor effectiveness for tracking, planning or budgeting purposes, we’ll help you determine which postings are performing or need modifying.